Announcing the 2015 COSIM Conference—May 27–29 in Nashville, Tennessee
For immediate releaseThe 2015 COSIM conference will be held May 27–29 in Nashville, Tennessee at the Airport Nashville Marriott Hotel. This years theme is: Best Practices in Cross-Cultural Partnership: For the Peoples, for the City, for the Gospel.
Alex Araujo will lead the opening plenary session on Wednesday evening, May 27th. His subject is “To Catch the Wind: Comparing Powerboat & Sailboat Paradigms in Cross-Cultural Ministry.” Alex offers his perspective based on a rich carreer of cross-cultural partnership ministry with leaders in dozens of nations in the Majority World. He is the primary author (with Mary Lederleitner and Werner Mischke) of the article, “To Catch the Wind: A New Metaphor for Cross-Cultural Partnership” (available here). This article, and the sailboat paradigm which it represents, has been widely discussed in the international missions community as an effective mindset for cross-cultural collaboration.
This paradigm-shifting material has been used by God all over the world to challenge believers to move toward more Christ-centered and more biblically-based cross-cultural collaboration. You will gain practical insights for your own involvement in missions ministry—locally and globally.